VM Instance

Circle Linux 8.6

Circle Linux 8.6 is a stable and secure Linux platform which provides clients with an unparalleled development environment. Whether you're looking for additional security in proactive compliance enterprise cloud platforms or require a dependable home computing system, Circle Linux 8.6 meets all your needs. Safe, secure, and convenient cloud computing has never been more accessible. It builds downstream to build distribution after the upstream product and full functional compatibility to conform fully to redistribution policy guarantees.  

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Circle Linux 8.6 provides an ideal virtual machine platform for cloud applications, database platforms, and Node.js workloads —all in an easily approachable and reliable interface that's sure to be popular among desktop users of all technological backgrounds. Circle Linux 8.6 is made for businesses, enterprises, and startups who need a more secure and compliant premier Linux distro. This open source and collaborative project is designed to offer a free and diversified software ecosystem for thousands of global developers. It is a stable operating system that is fully compatible with enterprise-level Linux and provides comprehensive, multilayered security against malicious threats. 

Ntegral certified images are always up-to-date, secure, and built to work right out of the box.  

Ntegral packages applications following industry standards, and continuously monitors all components and libraries for vulnerabilities and application updates. When any security threat or update is identified, Ntegral automatically repackages the applications and pushes the latest versions to the cloud marketplaces.